How do you "run" with the archetypes?

Join me as I explore the world of archetypes through my marathon running journey.

Archetypes are the universal patterns of human behavior within us. We cannot be one thing in the world, we are complex and evolving. Through working with the archetypes, I can see the various “flavors” of my personality. I can connect with this host of characters and then I am then able to see them throughout different areas of my life.

We live our stories through archetypal energies. They move us from the literal to the mythic making our lives an epic story. They make our little lives seem so much bigger. Our potential becomes limitless.

Through the archetypes I keep moving one step at a time, literally, across 26.2 miles. Then I do it some more. Each race, each run, brings forth a different archetype. Come along for the journey and let's play! I would love to hear about your running journey as well. Feel free to contact me.


  1. Great job Kari ---- love the way you intermix the narrative and your photos -- look forward to your updates and glad that since we subscribed to your blog we will get an email any time that you update the site --- keep up the great work!!!


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